Welcome Back to Bloomsburg 2022!

Check out our new office space!

The days of summer are coming to an end, but the days in Bloomsburg are back in action! We are geared up for 2022-2023 Bloomsburg University semesters and happy to have our students back and our hallways buzzing again.

Our tenants receive all the information they could need to make move-in day a breeze! Our off campus student apartments are clean, repaired, and ready for our tenants to move in! Of course, if there are any questions/concerns regarding your apartment upon moving in, never hesitate to contact our Property Manager, Erin, and we’ll do our best to make it right! (570) 441-6876

We also want to extend a special Welcome to the incoming Freshman living on campus! You won’t be able to start looking for housing until September 2023! But when that time comes, start your off campus student housing search with JAG Housing!

Sophomores - this year, September 12th will be the first day that we will begin touring apartments and signing leases! The sooner you start looking, the better options you will have for your Junior year living arrangements. Don’t wait! Schedule a tour with JAG Housing!

We have an exciting day planned for this years’ Freshman and Sophomores. Save the date for August 26th! Keep your eyes peeled for signs in your dorms and upper campus apartments for JAG Housing’s Freshman and Sophomore Day Event! We are inviting Freshman and Sophomores who are interested in living off campus for their Junior and Senior year to take a trip downtown to our office located at 35 E Main Street! We will be giving away free t-shirts, hoagies, snacks, and information on when and how to start your off campus student housing search. There will be raffle prizes too!

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay current with all of our events, promotions, and other information we share on these platforms. We wish all the best to all of the Bloomsburg University students for the upcoming school year! Contact us any time!


Moving Off Campus with JAG Housing


We’ve Moved!